Mila Krekić rodjena 12.06.1997 godine u Skoplju, magistar je u oblasti finansija i bankarstva. Njen glavni cilj koji promoviše je širenje liberane ideje i potsticaj mladih žena liderki. Mila se vodi premisom da žene nisu samo kvota i broj, već da se žena može istaci kvalitetima koje poseduje i biti rame uz rame sa muskarcima na svakoj poziciji.
Sa Milom smo pričale koliko je važno učešće žena u politici i da ukoliko želimo da iniciramo promene u društvu i u političkom svetu moramo da krenemo od nas samih.
To je bio jedan od glavnih motiva koji ju je podstakao da se uključi u politiku i da inicira promene za ostale mlade žene, devojke i lidere, i da između ostalog napravi prostor gde će moći da stvara ostali mladi iz Makedonije. Ukoliko želimo da se naš glas čuje, važno je aktivno učestvujemo u politici, jer mi sami možemo da budemo pokretači promena.
Svojim primerom, Mila je ohrabrila sve žene da ne stoje po strani, već da aktivno uzmu učešće u svim sferama života- jer #ženamožesve.
Mila Krekić was born on June 12, 1997 in Skopje. She has a master's degree in finance and banking. Her main goal is promoting the spread of libertarian ideas and the encouragement of young women leaders. Mila is guided by the premise that women are not just a quota and a number, and woman can stand out with the qualities she possesses and be side by side with men in every position.
We talked with Mila about how important women's participation in politics is and that if we want to initiate changes in society and in the politics, we have to start from ourselves.
That was one of the main motives that prompted her to get involved in politics and to initiate changes for other young women, girls and leaders, and among other things to create a space where other young people from Macedonia will be able to create. If we want our voice to be heard, it is important to actively participate in politics, because we can be the initiators of change.
By her example, Mila encouraged all women not to stand on the sidelines, and to actively participate in all spheres of life - because #ženamožesve.
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