Tijana Tesalonika Shishkoska je rođena 21. oktobra 1998. godine u Ohridu, Republika Makedonija. Diplomirala je na Pravnom fakultetu „Justinian Prvi“ na Univerzitetu „Sveti Ćirilo i Metodije“ u Skoplju.
Članica je Izvršnog odbora Saveza mladih snaga VMRO-DPMNE.
Tijana se kao mlada žena zalaže za bolje društvo za mlade, bila je deo projekta IFES-a i Švajcarske agencije za razvoj i saradnju, gde je bila autor studije o lokalnoj strategiji za mlade za opštinu Ohrid, taj projekat je za nju bio veliki izazov, njega je ujedinila omladinu u njenoj Opštini, političke partije, nevladine organizacije, itd.
Sa Tijanom smo pričale o njenom razvojnom putu i za sebe kaže da iako je još uvek mlada, veruje da put uspeha nije lak i da je potrebno da se više trudimo da bismo uspeli u životu. Svaka žena, smatra da, ukoliko ima pravi kvalitet, biće na pravom mestu.
Iako je mlada devojka u politici, veruje da će nekada u životu biti u prilici u kojoj će moći pre svega da pomogne narodu i društvu oko sebe, i veruje da su joj određene žene u njenoj političkoj partiji inspiracija da teži ka uspehu u životu.
Za kraj, Tijana je imala poruku za sve mlade žene: “Ako budemo uporne i imamo cilj, uspećemo! Uporne i ambiciozne žene uspevaju i koračaju ka uspehu, jer #ženamožesve”.

Tijana Tesalonica Shishkoska was born on October 21, 1998 in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia. She graduated in Faculty of Law "Justinian First" at the University "St. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje.
Tijana is a member of the Executive Board of the Alliance of Youth Forces VMRO-DPMNE.
As a young woman, Tijana advocates for a better society for young people, she was part of the project of IFES and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, where she was the author of a study on the local strategy for young people for the municipality of Ohrid, that project was a great challenge for her, she united the youth in his Municipality, political parties, non-governmental organizations, etc.
We talked with Tijana about her development path and she says that although she is still young, she believes that the path to success is not easy and that we need to work harder to succeed in life. Every woman believes that if we has the right quality, we will be in the right place.
Although she is a young girl in politics, Tijana believes that sometime in her life she will be in an opportunity where she will be able to help the people and society around her, and also believes that certain women in her political party are her inspiration to strive for success in life.
At the end, Tijana had a message for all young women: "If we are persistent and have a goal, we will succeed! Persistent and ambitious women succeed and step towards success, because #ženamožesve”.
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