Biti žena po meri društva je jako tesno odelo
Danica Vukajlović je rođena 31.10.1991. u Novom Sadu.
Doktorantkinja je na fakultetu Tehničkih nauka na smeru upravljanja rizicima od katastrofalnih događaja i požara.
Dobitnica je specijalnog priznanja za doprinos nauci i pozitivno predstavljanje mladih u Srbiji, mladima od srca "Svetislav Milić”, fondacije Find Raoul.
Predsednica je Mesnog odbora Srpske napredne strane i članica Gradskog odbora Novi Sad.
Zaposlena je na radnom mestu Inženjera preventive zaštite od požara, i imenovano je odgovorno lice za Bezbednost i zdravlje na radu.
Članica je Nadzornog odbora Nacionalnog parka Fruške gore, kao i članica upravnog odbora "Fonda Evropskih poslova".
U svojoj karijeri i kroz život se bori za ispravne moralne i etičke vrednosti, za bolji položaj žena kao i mladih.
Danica je jedna je od inicijatorki ALPI Women i ujedno pohađa Alpi akademiju za napredno liderstvo druge generacije u Srbiji.
Dala je veliki doprinos okupljanju mladih žena iz različitih političkih opcija u ALPI Women projekat gde sve zajedno podstiču veće učešće žena u politici, žensku solidarnost i ravnopravnost.
U svom gostovanju na Dunav televiziji, Danica je predstavila naš projekat i svojim primerom pokazala da žena može sve, a ujedno je poslala i važnu poruku da mlade žene na početku svojih karijera treba da grade sopstveno samopouzdanje i da prvenstveno budu svoje. Biti žena po meri društva je izuzetno tesno odelo, stoga treba da prate svoje ciljeve i osećaje kako bi se osećale prijatno u sopstvenom životu. Naravno pored toga treba da formiraju objektivne i racionalne poglede na život i idu putem ispravnih sistema vrednosti, bez mogućnosti da im neko nametne svoje mišljenje.
ALPI Women se zahvaljuje našoj Danici na ovom predstavljanju, ali i na nesebičnom doprinosu u celokupnom projektu.
Pravi izazov je bio napraviti projekat koji će da funkcioniše, a u kojem će se okupiti žene totalno različitih profila, zanimanja, stavova i političke pripadnosti, a da sveukupni cilj bude zajednički. Moguće je- jer #ženamožesve.

According to society, being a woman is a very tight suit
Danica Vukajlović was born on October 31, 1991. in Novi Sad. She is studying for a doctorate at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, majoring in risk management of catastrophic events and fires.
Danica is the recipient of a special award for her contribution to science and positive representation of young people in Serbia, young people from the heart "Svetislav Milić", Nađi Raul Foundation.
Also, she is the president of the Local Committee of the Serbian Progressive Party and a member of the Novi Sad City Committee.
She is employed in the position of fire prevention engineer, and the responsible person for occupational safety and health has been appointed.
Danica is a member of the Supervisory Board of the Fruska Gora National Park, as well as a member of the board of directors of the European Affairs Fund.
In her career and throughout her life, she fights for correct moral and ethical values, for a better position of women and young people.
Danica is one of the initiators of ALPI Women and also attends the ALPI Academy for Advanced Leadership in Politics Institute, as a part of the Second Generation in Serbia. She made a great contribution to the gathering of young women from different political options in the ALPI Women project, where they all together encourage greater participation of women in politics, women's solidarity and equality.
In hosting at Dunav Television, Danica presented our project and showed by her example that a woman can do anything, and at the same time she sent an important message that young women at the beginning of their careers should build their own self-confidence and primarily be themselves. Being a woman according to society is an extremely tight suit, so they should follow their goals and feelings in order to feel comfortable in their own life. Of course, in addition, they should form objective and rational views on life and follow the path of correct value systems, without the possibility of someone imposing their opinion on them.
ALPI Woman would like to thank our Danica for this presentation, but also for her selfless contribution to the entire project.
The real challenge was to create a project that would work, in which women of totally different profiles, professions, attitudes and political affiliations would gather, and the overall goal would be common. It's possible - because #ženamožesve.
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