‘‘Debata kao stil života.‘‘ - Miljana Pejić
Miljana Pejić je diplomirana politikološkinja za međunarodne poslove i trenutno radi kao generalna sekretarke u Krovnoj organizaciji mladih Srbije (KOMS), najvišem nezavisnom predstavničkom telu mladih i zakonom prepoznatom krovnom savezu u državi. Članica je Saveta za mlade Vlade Republike Srbije, gde kao predstavnica mladih zastupa njihove interese. Članica je Upravnog odbora Beogradskog međunarodnopravnog kruga, aktivistkinja Ženske platforme za razvoj Srbije i Alumni mreže OSCE Akademije dijaloga za mlade žene iz Beograda i Prištine. Prethodna radna iskustva sticala je u Agenciji Ujedinjenih nacija za rodnu ravnopravnost i osnaživanje žena (UN Women) i Centru za javne politike Evropske unije Univerziteta u Beogradu.
Tri godine je koordinirala rad Debatnog kluba Fakulteta političkih nauka. Debata joj je i dalje stil života i osmišljava i sprovodi obuke za sticanje debatnih i veština javnog nastupa, a učlanjenje u debatni klub smatra prekretnicom u svojoj profesionalnoj karijeri.
U Debatnom klubu je dobila priliku da argumentuje i posmatra svet i različitih perspektiva u odnosu na uloge koje su joj date budući da se na debati ne biraju uloge već se one dodeljuju.
Tada je shvatila da želi da zastupa ljude, posebno mlade i žene.
Miljana je primer da #ženamožesve i ALPI Women joj se jos jednom zahvaljuje na deljenju svog ličnog iskustva sa nama.
🇬🇧 debate as a lifestyle
Miljana Pejić has a degree in political science for international affairs and currently works as the general secretary of the National Youth Council of Serbia (KOMS). She is a member of the Youth Council of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, where she represents their interests as a representative of young people. Alsso, she is a member of the Board of Directors of the Belgrade International Law Circle, an activist of the Women's Platform for the Development of Serbia and the Alumni Network of the OSCE Academy of Dialogue for Young Women from Belgrade and Pristina. Miljana previously worked at the United Nations Agency for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women (UN Women) and the Center for Public Policies of the European Union at the University of Belgrade.
For three years, she coordinated the work of the Debate Club of the Faculty of Political Sciences. Debate is still her lifestyle and she designs and implements trainings for acquiring debating and public speaking skills, and she considers joining the debating club a turning point in her professional career.
In the Debate Club, she got the opportunity to argue and observe the world from different perspectives in relation to the roles given to her, since roles are not chosen at the debate, but rather they are assigned.
That's when she realized that she wanted to represent people, especially young people and women.
Miljana is an example of #ženamožesve and ALPI Women thanks her once again for sharing her personal experience with us.
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