Viktorija Smileska je rođena 13. septembra 1996. godine u Prilepu, Makedonija.
Zaposlena je u SEGA koaliciji omladinskih organizacija.
Trenutno radi na projekatu „Mladi protiv korupcije“ koji finansira Austrijska razvojna agencija kroz program „Jugoistočna Evropa – Zajedno protiv korupcije“ Regionalne antikorupcijske inicijative u partnerstvu sa Kancelarijom Ujedinjenih nacija za drogu i kriminal.
Student saradnik je Fakulteta za nameštaj i dizajn enterijera i tehnologije Univerziteta „Sv. Ćirila i Metodija“ u Skoplju.
Istovremeno, deo druge generacije Škole politike pri Predsedničkom centru za političko obrazovanje za 2022. i deo prve generacije lidera ALPI u Makedoniji.
Kao mlada žena i lider ALPI-ja, smatra svojom odgovornošću da predstavlja i bori se za položaj mladih u društvu u svim strukturama, jer iskustvo svedoči da ako se to prepusti „široj svesti odraslih“, onda mladi ljudi nikada ne uživaju u stvarnom učešću i uključenosti. Želi da inspiriše i motiviše druge mladiće i devojke, posebno na lokalnom nivou. Samo kroz naš kontinuirani obrazovni razvoj i ambiciju, kroz našu posvećenost, zavisi koliko ćemo biti motivisani da razbijemo barijere i postignemo cilj.
Sa Viktorijom smo pričale o njenim motivima i angažovanju u političkom životu. Kao mlada osoba, osećala je odgovrnost da predstavlja mlade iz Makedonije. Nedavno se suočila sa nekim predrasudama u obrazovnom procesu i to ju je motivisalo da se društveno angažuje i da napravi neku promenu. Zbog toga se Viktorija priključila građanskom sektoru, želeći da doprinese društvu.
Podizanje svesti o aktivizmu, uključivanju u procese donošenja odluka i podizanjem glasa doprinosimo boljem sutra. Ne postoje prepreke da inicijative preuzmu žene- jer #ženamožesve.

Viktorija Smileska was born on September 13, 1996 in Prilep, Macedonia.
She is employed in the SEGA coalition of youth organizations and currently working on the project "Youth against corruption" funded by the Austrian Development Agency through the program "Southeastern Europe - Together against corruption" of the Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative in partnership with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
She is a student of the Faculty of Furniture and Interior Design and Technology of the University of "St. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje.
At the same time, Viktorija is part of the second generation of the School of Politics at the Presidential Center for Political Education for 2022 and part of the first generation of ALPI leaders in Macedonia.
As a young woman and leader of ALPI, she considers it her responsibility to represent and fight for the position of young people in society in all structures, because experience shows that if it is left to the "broader consciousness of adults", then young people never enjoy real participation and involvement. Viktorija wants to inspire and motivate other young men and women, especially at the local level. Only through our continuous educational development and ambition, through our dedication, depends how motivated we will be to break the barriers and reach the goal.
We talked with Viktoria about her motives and engagement in political life. As a young person, she felt the responsibility to represent the youth of Macedonia. She recently faced some prejudices in the educational process and this motivated her to become socially engaged and make a change.
Raising awareness about activism, involvement in decision-making processes and by raising our voice, we contribute to a better tomorrow. There are no obstacles for women to take initiatives - because #ženamožesve.
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