Vedrana Vujović je rođena 1994. u Sarajevu. Po struci je magistar politologije iz oblasti upravljanja državom. Već 9 godina je članica političke stranke Demokratska fronta i na funkciji je članice Predsedništva i Glavnog odbora stranke. Deo je IRI-jeve mreže Generation Democracy i već drugu godinu za redom predstavlja regiju Evropa u Global Member Advisory Board-u.
Sa Vedranom smo pričale o njenim počecima u političkoj karijeri, aktivizmu i potrebi da menja stvari oko sebe i bude deo procesa donošenja odluka.
Vedrana je primer koliko je važno uzeti stvari u svoje ruke, biti aktivan u svojoj zajednici i nedozvoliti da drugi ljudi odlučuju o našoj sudbini, kao i primer da #ženamožesve.
Vedrana Vujović was born in 1994 in Sarajevo. By profession, she has a master's degree in political science in the field of state management. She has been a member of the Democratic Front political party for 9 years and she is a member of the Presidency and the Main Board of the party. Vedrana is also part of IRI's Generation Democrats network and for the second year in a row he represents the European region in the Global Member Advisory Board.
We talked with Vedrana about her beginnings in her political career, activism and the need to change things around her and be part of the decision-making process.
Vedrana is an example of how important it is to take matters into one's own hands, to be active in ours community and not to allow other people to decide our future, as well as an example that #ženamožesve.
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